213° ‘s purpose revolves around growth. We assess the existing situation and add the missing degrees and directional compass adjustments to create the growth that was not previously possible.
In business, 6° of separation using online relational tools such as LinkedIn are good, but not truly effective at actuating change. That’s why 213° was born: to be your connection advisor and directional change agent for not only introductions, but transactions. Not fixers per se, but facilitators of change and navigators to growth.
Along with Degrees°, Direction plays a major role in life, especially in the life of an organization. At 213°, we place significant emphasis and pay strategic attention to Direction.
Question: If you don’t know where you are headed, how will you know when you arrive at your destination or achieve your BHAG, Objective, Target or Purpose.
We want you to be On-Target, On-Time, On-Board, On-Fire, On-Purpose, On-Point, On-Message, and On-Top of your game, industry, and the world…firing on On-Cylinders!
Steam produces power
Power produces energy
Energy produces movement
Movement produces growth
Growth produces revenue
Revenue produces everything